The Yadu Corporation has interests in the Paper & Pulp sector. The unit is adjacent to the group’s Sugar Mill of M/s Indian Sucrose Limited at Mukerian, Distt. Hoshiarpur in Punjab.
The plan for further expansion and modernization of the current pulp and paper manufacturing operation here is already under way. The existing operation was first taken over by Lala Vidya Sagar Oswal Group in 1981 with an installed capacity of 9000 TP Annum of writing & printing paper. The then management enhanced its capacity from 9000 TPA to 11450 TPA in 1992. In 1993 the capacity was further increased to 100 TPD with the installation of new machine.
The Yadu Corporation then purchased the paper manufacturing facilities from the Assets Reconstruction Company India Ltd., Mumbai. The mill produces a wide range of writing and printing papers.