water stewardship policy

Yadu Corporation understands that water is a key resource and needs to be used responsibly with equitable sharing by end users, respecting the diversity of needs. We recognize that good quality water has strong sustainability and ecosystem service values. Protecting and conserving water resources through excellent water management practices and governance systems are a priority for the Group and is integral to our commitment towards water stewardship.

Every Yadu Corporation Company shall endeavor to:

  • Maintain positive legal compliance to water related laws and regulations and conform to the requirements of Yadu Corporation Sustainability Framework;
  • Minimize our impact on water resources from operations by measuring and understanding water use, management and wastewater discharge;
  • Reduce freshwater consumption by re-use and recycling water;
  • Continually improve performance of water management across the companies’ supply and value chains through effective and economically viable management systems and best practices;
  • Involve our employees and contract workers in water conservation initiatives;
  • Engage with our stakeholders and communities to increase their awareness on the responsible use of water and involve them in protection / regeneration of water resources;
  • Monitor, measure, report the progress and performance of water conservation and management initiatives in compliance with internationally recognized protocols and communicate approach and achievements to relevant stakeholders.

Each Yadu Corporation Company shall sign up to this policy or develop an equivalent policy that shall be implemented throughout its operations.

This policy will be reviewed periodically for its suitability and updated as necessary.

Conserving water with every innovation