The Indian sugar sector is perhaps the largest in the world in terms of co-generation of power. There are over 100 Sugar Mills that have installed capacity to co-generate 1800 MW of surplus power.
The total capacity for co-generation of power by the sugar mills in India has been assessed at over 10500MW including 3500 MW for captive consumption and 7000 MW for exports (at 87ATA boiler capacity). In India, the total short fall in the availability of power has been assessed at 15750MW and the power supplied by the sugar mill is 1850MW. The co-generated power from the sugar sector meets about 12%of the energy shortfall and after meeting the full potential, 45% of this shortfall can be achieved.
As shown in the table furnished in the earlier section, the Yadu Corporation contributes a lot to bridging this demand gap by supplying surplus power from its various sugar mill associated plants to the national grid.
The following table gives a very clear picture of the group’s various sugar units, their capacities along with their power producing abilities.